York River at sunset

Join Us for a Free Seminar
Saturday, Sept. 15th @ 10:30 a.m.

Location: 627 Route 1, York, Maine (in the Eldredge Building)

Jennifer Hunter, coordinator of the York River Wild and Scenic Study, will be the main presenter. Jennifer has degrees in Biology and Environmental Management. Joan LeBlanc and Thom Kearns will also do part of the presentation. They are York residents and appointed to the York River Study Committee.

The York River Study began in 2015 after it was authorized by the US Congress.As part of their study, the group has developed a York River Watershed Stewardship Plan that identifies many recommendations to preserve the York River and surrounding resources.

There are many reasons this river is special and worthy of protection. Its unique history, natural habitats, scenic views, working waterfront and clean water are all important to the region’s character, quality of life, and economy.

Our presenters will give an overview of the York River Wild and Scenic Study, river and watershed resources, stewardship plan and next steps for possible river designation, including upcoming community votes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and ask questions about our local river, what makes it special, and what can be done to help protect it for current and future generations.

York River - wide angle